Silent Majority, Ghana (SMG) provides popular political education about indigenous Ghanaian genders and sexualities and organizing strategies for queer freedom. We are a building a community of Ghanaians and transnational allies to resist the oppressive force of state, media, and religious homophobia and trans-antagonism, and create a landscape in which all Ghanaians can live with dignity and without fear of violence.

We began as a transnational collective formed on February 22, 2021. Our gathering was in response to Ghana Police Services violently closing down an LGBTQ+ community center in Accra. The collective’s first action was to draft a letter in solidarity with queer Ghanaians. The letter was circulated and received over 1600 signatures from around the world. In the 2 years following the signature campaign, SMG has hosted a virtual queer pride activity, contributed for fundraising campaigns in support of arrested queer activists in Ghana, and coordinated educational activities amongst members and in collaboration with North American universities and activist organizations. SMG has also organized with Ghanaian activists to pressure the government not to pass the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill” introduced in Ghana’s parliament in June 2021. 

We are steadfast in our commitment to building people power through political education and collective organizing. Join us.

Silent Majority, Ghana is a registered nonprofit in the USA with federally recognized tax-exempt (501c3) status.